Material Factors and Targets

Categories Material Topic Targets U.N. Sustainable Development Goal Mapping
Build a Sustainable Business Economic Performance Perpetual Target:
  • To provide investors with sustainable long- term returns

SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth
Act Responsibly Energy and Emissions Short-term Target:
  • To commence installation of energy- efficient fittings and equipment at 20 Gul Way and 135 Joo Seng in FY2024

Medium-term Target:
  • To generate 15,000 MWh of solar energy per year by FY2025
  • 45% of total tenants on Green Leases by FY2025 (based on number of leases)
  • To actively engage tenants for the collection of Scope 3 emissions

Long-term Target:
  • Adopted target aligned with the SBTi criteria: commit to 42% reduction in Scope 2 emissions by FY2030, from FY2020 base year

SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy

SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Water and Effluents Short-term Target:
  • Progressively install water efficient fittings certified under the PUB’s Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme (or equivalent) for toilets

Medium-term Target:
  • To actively engage master tenants in single-user properties for collection of water consumption data

Long-term Target:
  • Reduce water intensity by 18% by FY2030, from FY2020 base year
Waste (NEW) Short-term Target:
  • To collect accurate waste data for all properties with operational control by end of FY2024
  • To encourage waste recycling across properties with operational control

Medium-term Target:
To actively engage master tenants in single- user properties for collection of waste data

SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy

SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Promote Well-being Occupational Health and Safety Perpetual Target:
  • Zero incidents resulting in staff permanent disability or fatality

Conduct OHS committee meetings every quarter

SDG 3: Good health and well-being
Employment, Training and Education Perpetual Target:
Achieve average training hours of at least 15 hours per employee per annum
Diversity and Equal Opportunity (NEW) Perpetual Target:
Commit to fair employment practices by ensuring that all individuals receive the same opportunities for hiring, advancement and benefits
Zero cases of validated discrimination
Local Communities Perpetual Target:
To participate in two CSR initiatives annually
Operate Ethically Business Ethics and Regulatory Compliance Perpetual Target:
Zero material incidents of non-compliance with regards to anti-corruption laws and regulatory compliance

SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

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